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GitHub / aDotInTheVoid issue stats
Total issues: 256
Total pull requests: 237
Merged pull request: 154
Average time to close issues: 3 months
Average time to close pull requests: 19 days
Average comments per issue: 1.42
Average comments per pull request: 2.81
Issues created
- aDotInTheVoid/skate: 52
- adotinthevoid/boxcars: 21
- aDotInTheVoid/debug3: 21
- rust-lang/rustdoc-types: 18
- aDotInTheVoid/rustdoc-types: 16
- rust-lang/rust: 14
- adotinthevoid/xmark: 10
- aDotInTheVoid/debug2: 10
- warpdotdev/Warp: 8
- adotinthevoid/ 7
- adotinthevoid/triphosphate: 7
- katef/kgt: 6
- adotinthevoid/jsondocckng: 5
- microsoft/pyright: 5
- aDotInTheVoid/Wingspan: 4
- aDotInTheVoid/everybody_loops: 3
- boxyuwu/rust-quiz: 3
- yishn/tikzcd-editor: 2
- tree-sitter/tree-sitter: 2
- adotinthevoid/zruid: 2
- adotinthevoid/ 2
- soasis/text: 2
- adotinthevoid/sloppy-go: 2
- orlp/slotmap: 2
- alilleybrinker/langs-in-rust: 1
- Lucretiel/autodefault: 1
- rust-lang/rust-clippy: 1
- cbreeden/fxhash: 1
- google/sanitizers: 1
- rust-lang/foundation-faq-2020: 1
- lalrpop/lalrpop: 1
- rust-lang/mdBook: 1
- rust-lang/cargo-bisect-rustc: 1
- myrrlyn/home: 1
- adotinthevoid/pfb-analysis: 1
- adotinthevoid/nuxt-testing-demo: 1
- adotinthevoid/vex_turning_point_brunell: 1
- adotinthevoid/snapfuzz-omni: 1
- winnow-rs/winnow: 1
- facebook/buck2: 1
- dtolnay/bootstrap: 1
- kdl-org/vscode-kdl: 1
- alexcrichton/xz2-rs: 1
- typst/typst: 1
- vEnhance/napkin: 1
- sharkdp/fd: 1
- ponylang/ponyup: 1
- rust-lang/rust-bindgen: 1
- astral-sh/uv: 1
- maciejhirsz/logos: 1
- unixpickle/uno-ai: 1
- leod/rendology: 1
- rust-lang/triagebot: 1
- adotinthevoid/site: 1
- adotinthevoid/hare-highlighing-vscode: 1
- freestrings/jsonpath: 1
Pull requests created
- rust-lang/rust: 81
- bluesky-social/atproto: 30
- adotinthevoid/boxcars: 12
- adotinthevoid/balanced_omni: 11
- bytecodealliance/wasmtime: 10
- aDotInTheVoid/skate: 8
- aDotInTheVoid/Wingspan: 7
- rust-lang/simpleinfra: 6
- aDotInTheVoid/jamml: 6
- mit-pdos/noria: 4
- rust-lang/rustdoc-types: 4
- microsoft/verona-rt: 4
- microsoft/rust_win_etw: 4
- aDotInTheVoid/rustdoc-types: 3
- adotinthevoid/pros-rs: 3
- aDotInTheVoid/debug3: 3
- vEnhance/napkin: 3
- rust-lang/team: 3
- orlp/slotmap: 2
- adotinthevoid/ 2
- rust-lang/triagebot: 2
- katef/kgt: 2
- boxyuwu/rust-quiz: 2
- blusunrize/trauma: 2
- ipld/libipld: 2
- cessen/ropey: 1
- rust-lang/rfcs: 1
- tartanllama/secret-hitler-strategies: 1
- adotinthevoid/xmark: 1
- jgm/pandoc-website: 1
- adotinthevoid/vrc_turning_point_logbook: 1
- rust-lang/thanks: 1
- rust-analyzer/ungrammar: 1
- jyn514/von-neumann: 1
- BurntSushi/regex-automata: 1
- rust-analyzer/rowan: 1
- langjam/jam0003: 1
- rust-lang/rust-clippy: 1
- rust-embedded/riscv: 1
- maplant/mgf: 1
- TrueLayer/retry-policies: 1
- rust-lang/homu: 1
- winnow-rs/winnow: 1
- domenicquirl/cstree: 1
- headcrab-rs/ 1
- bramvdbogaerde/go-scp: 1
- rust-lang/rust: 95
- aDotInTheVoid/skate: 60
- adotinthevoid/boxcars: 33
- aDotInTheVoid/debug3: 24
- rust-lang/rustdoc-types: 22
- aDotInTheVoid/rustdoc-types: 19
- aDotInTheVoid/Wingspan: 11
- adotinthevoid/xmark: 11
- adotinthevoid/balanced_omni: 11
- aDotInTheVoid/debug2: 10
- adotinthevoid/ 7
- adotinthevoid/triphosphate: 7
- rust-lang/simpleinfra: 6
- aDotInTheVoid/jamml: 6
- adotinthevoid/jsondocckng: 5
Active Maintainer
Issue Author Associations
- Owner (168, 65.63%)
- None (45, 17.58%)
- Member (38, 14.84%)
- Contributor (5, 1.95%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Member (100, 42.19%)
- Contributor (66, 27.85%)
- Owner (57, 24.05%)
- None (14, 5.91%)
Top Issue Labels
- bug (11)
- T-rustdoc (11)
- A-rustdoc-json (10)
- cleanup (5)
- enhancement request (4)
- api-enhancement (3)
- crash (3)
- Bugs (3)
- C-bug (3)
- enhancement (3)
- finished-final-comment-period (2)
- disposition-merge (2)
- C-tracking-issue (2)
- T-libs-api (2)
- help wanted (2)
Top Pull Request Labels
- S-waiting-on-bors (47)
- T-rustdoc (36)
- A-rustdoc-json (33)
- S-waiting-on-review (21)
- T-compiler (20)
- A-meta (19)
- C-cleanup (14)
- cranelift:docs (10)
- cranelift (10)
- S-waiting-on-author (7)
- T-libs-api (5)
- S-waiting-on-team (5)
- T-libs (3)
- A-testsuite (2)
- merged-by-bors (2)