An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.
GitHub / Shenglai issue stats
Total issues: 6
Total pull requests: 239
Merged pull request: 230
Average time to close issues: 6 months
Average time to close pull requests: 6 days
Average comments per issue: 2.17
Average comments per pull request: 0.05
Issues created
Pull requests created
- nci-gdc/gdc_tosvc_workflow: 31
- nci-gdc/gatk4_mutect2_cwl: 25
- nci-gdc/gdc-somatic-variant-calling-workflow: 20
- nci-gdc/muse-cwl: 19
- nci-gdc/mutect2-cwl: 15
- nci-gdc/muse-tool: 13
- nci-gdc/somaticsniper-tool: 12
- nci-gdc/mutect2-tool: 12
- nci-gdc/somaticsniper-cwl: 11
- nci-gdc/gdc-tosvc-tools: 10
- nci-gdc/samtools-mpileup-cwl: 9
- nci-gdc/gdc_submitter_translation_ui: 8
- nci-gdc/varscan-cwl: 8
- nci-gdc/samtools-mpileup-tool: 8
- nci-gdc/gdc-sanger-somatic-cwl: 7
- nci-gdc/varscan-tool: 7
- nci-gdc/gatk4-mutect2-tool: 5
- nci-gdc/variant-filtration-cwl: 4
- nci-gdc/gatk-docker: 3
- nci-gdc/vep-cwl: 3
- nci-gdc/gdc-rnaseq-cwl: 3
- nci-gdc/gpas-aws-workflow-runner: 2
- nci-gdc/vep-tool: 2
- nci-gdc/gdc-dnaseq-cwl: 1
- nci-gdc/variant-filtration-tool: 1
Active Maintainer
Issue Author Associations
- None (3, 50.00%)
- Collaborator (3, 50.00%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Contributor (221, 92.47%)
- Collaborator (17, 7.11%)
- None (1, 0.42%)