An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.
GitHub / Owez issue stats
Total issues: 161
Total pull requests: 68
Merged pull request: 48
Average time to close issues: about 1 month
Average time to close pull requests: about 1 month
Average comments per issue: 1.34
Average comments per pull request: 1.72
Issues created
- Owez/yark: 39
- Owez/jingo: 18
- owez/argi: 16
- Owez/torro: 15
- owez/onft: 12
- owez/mdcx: 9
- rust-cli/climake: 6
- owez/kurz: 6
- owez/holenews: 5
- f5/unovis: 4
- owez/odoc: 4
- owez/superconf: 3
- owez/zypo-rs: 3
- Owez/tinydb: 3
- bikeshedder/deadpool: 2
- braincore/pid-rs: 2
- rust-secure-code/cargo-supply-chain: 2
- owez/irkle: 2
- Owez/axum-auth: 2
- TeXitoi/keyberon: 1
- tauri-apps/tauri: 1
- AeroRust/nmea: 1
- Owez/rocket-basicauth: 1
- janbjorge/pgqueuer: 1
- owez/owpm: 1
- probe-rs/embedded-test: 1
- ajimae/iseven: 1
Pull requests created
- Owez/yark: 31
- Owez/torro: 8
- rust-secure-code/cargo-supply-chain: 6
- owez/onft: 5
- rust-cli/climake: 4
- braincore/pid-rs: 3
- Owez/jingo: 3
- tokio-rs/tokio: 1
- ajimae/iseven: 1
- stm32-rs/stm32f0xx-hal: 1
- sru-systems/rust-argon2: 1
- ARPSyndicate/awesome-intelligence: 1
- ploteria/ploteria: 1
- owez/argi: 1
- AeroRust/nmea: 1
- Owez/yark: 70
- Owez/torro: 23
- Owez/jingo: 21
- owez/argi: 17
- owez/onft: 17
- rust-cli/climake: 10
- owez/mdcx: 9
- owez/kurz: 6
- owez/holenews: 5
- braincore/pid-rs: 5
- owez/odoc: 4
- Owez/tinydb: 3
- owez/zypo-rs: 3
- owez/superconf: 3
- owez/irkle: 2
Active Maintainer
- Owez/yark: 1
Issue Author Associations
- Owner (139, 86.34%)
- None (12, 7.45%)
- Collaborator (8, 4.97%)
- Contributor (2, 1.24%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Owner (48, 70.59%)
- Contributor (9, 13.24%)
- Collaborator (7, 10.29%)
- None (4, 5.88%)
Top Issue Labels
- enhancement (97)
- bug (24)
- documentation (19)
- good first issue (12)
- bencode (11)
- important (9)
- future (5)
- backburner (4)
- large feature (4)
- v3-rewrite-branch (3)
- v2-old-branch (3)
- tracking (2)
- wontfix (2)
- critical (2)
- priority (2)
Top Pull Request Labels
- enhancement (41)
- bug (11)
- bencode (4)
- priority (4)
- misc (2)
- documentation (2)
- important (1)
- tracker-connect (1)
- backburner (1)
- critical (1)
- good first issue (1)
- T-docs (1)
- A-tokio-util (1)