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GitHub / OraldoDoci issue stats
Total issues: 0
Total pull requests: 320
Merged pull request: 304
Average time to close issues: N/A
Average time to close pull requests: 1 day
Average comments per issue: 0
Average comments per pull request: 0.06
Issues created
Pull requests created
- pagopa/selfcare-dashboard-users-microfrontend: 71
- pagopa/selfcare-dashboard-frontend: 70
- pagopa/selfcare-pnpg-dashboard-frontend: 43
- pagopa/selfcare-dashboard-groups-microfrontend: 39
- pagopa/selfcare-dashboard-admin-microfrontend: 26
- pagopa/selfcare-common-frontend: 24
- pagopa/selfcare-token-exchange-frontend: 18
- pagopa/io-web-profile: 16
- pagopa/selfcare-infra: 4
- pagopa/selfcare-platform-azure-devops: 4
- pagopa/selfcare-pnpg-onboarding-frontend: 4
- pagopa/idpay-merchant-mock-frontend: 1
- pagopa/selfcare-dashboard-users-microfrontend: 71
- pagopa/selfcare-dashboard-frontend: 70
- pagopa/selfcare-pnpg-dashboard-frontend: 43
- pagopa/selfcare-dashboard-groups-microfrontend: 39
- pagopa/selfcare-dashboard-admin-microfrontend: 26
- pagopa/selfcare-common-frontend: 24
- pagopa/selfcare-token-exchange-frontend: 18
- pagopa/io-web-profile: 16
- pagopa/selfcare-pnpg-onboarding-frontend: 4
- pagopa/selfcare-infra: 4
- pagopa/selfcare-platform-azure-devops: 4
Active Maintainer
- pagopa/selfcare-dashboard-frontend: 70
- pagopa/selfcare-dashboard-users-microfrontend: 70
- pagopa/selfcare-pnpg-dashboard-frontend: 43
- pagopa/selfcare-dashboard-groups-microfrontend: 39
- pagopa/selfcare-common-frontend: 20
- pagopa/selfcare-dashboard-admin-microfrontend: 20
- pagopa/selfcare-token-exchange-frontend: 18
- pagopa/selfcare-pnpg-onboarding-frontend: 4
- pagopa/selfcare-infra: 4
- pagopa/selfcare-platform-azure-devops: 4
Issue Author Associations
Pull Request Author Associations
- Collaborator (319, 99.69%)
- Contributor (1, 0.31%)