An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.
GitHub / Kuniwak issue stats
Total issues: 81
Total pull requests: 263
Merged pull request: 237
Average time to close issues: 5 months
Average time to close pull requests: 11 days
Average comments per issue: 1.65
Average comments per pull request: 0.56
Issues created
- googkit/googkit: 38
- Kuniwak/slackit: 9
- Kuniwak/MirrorDiffKit: 7
- vim-jp/vim-vimlparser: 4
- DeNA/unity-meta-check: 3
- shougo/vimfiler.vim: 2
- shougo/neobundle.vim: 2
- jsdoctypeparser/jsdoctypeparser: 2
- Vimjas/vint: 2
- thinca/vim-splash: 1
- cocopon/iceberg.vim: 1
- kuniwak/vim-prove-syntax: 1
- Kuniwak/MemoryLeakTestKit: 1
- konitter/gulp-styledocco: 1
- yuuki/perl-local-lib-path.vim: 1
- hegemonic/catharsis: 1
- alpaca-tc/alpaca_english: 1
- jaredhanson/kerouac: 1
- cocopon/inkexport: 1
- gh123man/async-channels: 1
- kuniwak/swift-ble-macro: 1
Pull requests created
- Kuniwak/MirrorDiffKit: 38
- kuniwak/testabledesignexample: 29
- DeNA/unity-meta-check: 27
- mixi-inc/css-semdiff: 18
- DeNA/devfarm: 13
- vim-jp/vim-vimlparser: 12
- kuniwak/swift-ble-macro: 11
- kuniwak/jenkins-plugin-fixator: 10
- html-dnd/html-dnd: 10
- dena/anjin: 10
- kuniwak/core-bluetooth-testable: 9
- mixi-inc/gulp-dependencies-changed: 9
- kuniwak/swift-logger: 5
- Kuniwak/MultipartFormDataKit: 5
- Kuniwak/WiFiQRCodeKit: 5
- Kuniwak/MemoryLeakTestKit: 4
- hirokidaichi/brook: 4
- kuniwak/name: 3
- dena/unity-meta-check-playground: 3
- Kuniwak/gulp-less-reporter: 3
- gh123man/async-channels: 3
- cocopon/iceberg.vim: 3
- googkit/googkit: 2
- airblade/vim-rooter: 2
- tokuhirom/Test-Kantan: 2
- kuniwak/swift-ble-macro-cli: 2
- dena/dena.codeanalysis.testing: 2
- konitter/gulp-styledocco: 2
- fromkk/iosdcrc: 1
- ahelal/kitchen-ansiblepush: 1
- Vimjas/vint: 1
- kuniwak/blemacroapp: 1
- Kuniwak/iceberg.icls: 1
- kuniwak/swift-ble-assigned-numbers: 1
- mac-cain13/R.swift.Library: 1
- alpaca-tc/neorspec.vim: 1
- mixi-inc/gulp-styledocco-individual: 1
- swift-tweets/swtws: 1
- kuniwak/idb-portable: 1
- Kuniwak/gulp-csslint-sourcemap-reporter: 1
- kuniwak/startsmallforapi: 1
- mixi-inc/gulp-css-resource-cache-buster: 1
- Unity-Technologies/unity-cache-server: 1
- msakamaki/angulartestsonsample: 1
- gfx/require-simple.js: 1
- Kuniwak/MirrorDiffKit: 45
- googkit/googkit: 40
- DeNA/unity-meta-check: 30
- kuniwak/testabledesignexample: 29
- vim-jp/vim-vimlparser: 16
- DeNA/devfarm: 13
- kuniwak/swift-ble-macro: 12
- html-dnd/html-dnd: 10
- kuniwak/jenkins-plugin-fixator: 10
- dena/anjin: 10
- Kuniwak/slackit: 9
- kuniwak/core-bluetooth-testable: 9
- kuniwak/swift-logger: 5
- Kuniwak/MemoryLeakTestKit: 5
- Kuniwak/MultipartFormDataKit: 5
Issue Author Associations
- Member (49, 60.49%)
- Owner (19, 23.46%)
- None (11, 13.58%)
- Contributor (2, 2.47%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Owner (130, 49.43%)
- Member (80, 30.42%)
- Contributor (43, 16.35%)
- None (8, 3.04%)
- Collaborator (2, 0.76%)
Top Issue Labels
- enhancement (34)
- bug (14)
- question (5)
- wontfix (3)
- accepted (2)
- cannot fix (2)
- help wanted (1)
- refactor (1)
- needs help (1)
- testing (1)
Top Pull Request Labels
- bug (36)
- feature (14)
- level: patch (9)
- refactoring (9)
- level: major (8)
- new feature (4)
- semver: patch (4)
- level: minor (3)
- change: patch (3)
- enhancement (2)
- New feature (1)
- Bug (1)
- Work In Progress (1)
- accepted (1)
- change: minor (1)