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GitHub / KillWolfVlad issue stats
Total issues: 136
Total pull requests: 159
Merged pull request: 152
Average time to close issues: 5 months
Average time to close pull requests: 18 days
Average comments per issue: 0.8
Average comments per pull request: 0.5
Issues created
- byndyusoft/nest-template: 35
- Byndyusoft/eslint-config: 13
- Byndyusoft/nest-kafka: 11
- byndyusoft/node-reusable-workflows: 10
- Byndyusoft/nest-http-client: 9
- Byndyusoft/node-casc: 9
- Byndyusoft/tsconfig: 5
- byndyusoft/nest-schematics: 5
- Byndyusoft/node-pino-logger-factory: 5
- byndyusoft/node-base-template: 4
- Byndyusoft/node-dto-factory: 3
- byndyusoft/node-typescript-template: 3
- byndyusoft/awesome-byndyusoft-opensource: 3
- Byndyusoft/nest-swagger: 3
- mjbvz/vscode-github-markdown-preview-style: 2
- byndyusoft/node-renovate-config: 2
- Byndyusoft/nest-opentracing: 2
- willryan/factory.ts: 2
- Byndyusoft/nest-dynamic-module: 2
- bpmn-io/bpmn-js-differ: 1
- Byndyusoft/node-sonar-coverage-reporter: 1
- byndyusoft/nodejs-integration-tests-template: 1
- jwbay/i18next-json-sync: 1
- tasso94/nestjs-cambpm: 1
- c4lifa/jest-allure-circus: 1
- Byndyusoft/grpc-timeouts: 1
- nonara/ts-patch: 1
Pull requests created
- byndyusoft/nest-template: 25
- Byndyusoft/eslint-config: 20
- byndyusoft/node-base-template: 14
- byndyusoft/awesome-byndyusoft-opensource: 13
- byndyusoft/node-typescript-template: 12
- Byndyusoft/node-casc: 10
- Byndyusoft/nest-opentracing: 8
- Byndyusoft/nest-http-client: 8
- Byndyusoft/node-test-package: 7
- Byndyusoft/nest-kafka: 6
- byndyusoft/node-reusable-workflows: 5
- byndyusoft/camunda-process-instances-migrator: 4
- Byndyusoft/nest-swagger: 4
- litichevskiydv/manipula: 3
- Byndyusoft/tsconfig: 3
- bendrucker/postgres-interval: 3
- Byndyusoft/node-pino-logger-factory: 2
- c4lifa/jest-allure-circus: 2
- byndyusoft/node-renovate-config: 2
- byndyusoft/nest-schematics: 2
- ralphtheninja/readlink: 1
- byndyusoft/aact: 1
- Byndyusoft/class-validator-extended: 1
- Byndyusoft/node-dto-factory: 1
- TheBrainFamily/wait-for-expect: 1
- willryan/factory.ts: 1
- byndyusoft/nest-template: 60
- Byndyusoft/node-casc: 19
- byndyusoft/node-base-template: 18
- Byndyusoft/nest-kafka: 17
- Byndyusoft/nest-http-client: 17
- byndyusoft/awesome-byndyusoft-opensource: 16
- byndyusoft/node-typescript-template: 15
- byndyusoft/node-reusable-workflows: 15
- Byndyusoft/tsconfig: 8
- Byndyusoft/node-pino-logger-factory: 7
- Byndyusoft/node-test-package: 7
- byndyusoft/nest-schematics: 7
- Byndyusoft/nest-swagger: 7
- Byndyusoft/node-dto-factory: 4
- byndyusoft/node-renovate-config: 4
Active Maintainer
Issue Author Associations
- Collaborator (110, 80.88%)
- Contributor (18, 13.24%)
- None (8, 5.88%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Collaborator (115, 72.33%)
- Contributor (43, 27.04%)
- None (1, 0.63%)
Top Issue Labels
- enhancement (81)
- js/ts (45)
- bug (21)
- documentation (12)
- released (11)
- wontfix (3)
- for-new-projects (2)
- question (1)
- released on @next (1)
- dependencies (1)
Top Pull Request Labels
- released (36)
- bug (5)
- enhancement (5)
- documentation (4)
- released on @next (4)
- released on @beta (2)
- released on @v1.x (2)