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GitHub / JohnLCaron issue stats
Total issues: 97
Total pull requests: 631
Merged pull request: 630
Average time to close issues: 4 months
Average time to close pull requests: about 17 hours
Average comments per issue: 1.94
Average comments per pull request: 0.04
Issues created
- johnlcaron/egk-ec: 18
- streem/pbandk: 14
- microsoft/electionguard: 10
- Election-Tech-Initiative/electionguard: 9
- johnlcaron/cdm-kotlin: 9
- johnlcaron/devcdm: 6
- michaelbull/kotlin-result: 6
- h0tk3y/better-parse: 4
- Kotlin/kotlinx-datetime: 4
- oshai/kotlin-logging: 3
- HDFGroup/hdf4: 2
- Unidata/netcdf-java-ng: 2
- johnlcaron/egk-webapps: 2
- GradleUp/shadow: 1
- cf-convention/CF-2: 1
- Unidata/netcdf-java: 1
- unitsofmeasurement/indriya: 1
- johnlcaron/electionguard-remote: 1
- Unidata/TdsConfig: 1
- aaliddell/s2cell: 1
- johnlcaron/egk-ec-mixnet: 1
Pull requests created
- johnlcaron/electionguard-java: 155
- johnlcaron/cdm-kotlin: 140
- johnlcaron/rlauxe: 107
- johnlcaron/egk-ec: 70
- johnlcaron/devcdm: 50
- johnlcaron/egk-webapps: 41
- johnlcaron/egk-ec-mixnet: 35
- johnlcaron/shangrla-kotlin: 9
- streem/pbandk: 5
- johnlcaron/electionguard-viewer: 4
- johnlcaron/raire-kotlin: 4
- johnlcaron/electionguard-remote: 4
- johnlcaron/vmn-mixnet: 3
- johnlcaron/electionguard-webapps: 3
- johnlcaron/egk-protobuf: 1
- johnlcaron/electionguard-java: 155
- johnlcaron/cdm-kotlin: 149
- johnlcaron/rlauxe: 107
- johnlcaron/egk-ec: 88
- johnlcaron/devcdm: 56
- johnlcaron/egk-webapps: 43
- johnlcaron/egk-ec-mixnet: 36
- microsoft/electionguard: 10
- johnlcaron/shangrla-kotlin: 9
- Election-Tech-Initiative/electionguard: 9
- johnlcaron/electionguard-remote: 5
- johnlcaron/raire-kotlin: 4
- johnlcaron/electionguard-viewer: 4
- johnlcaron/vmn-mixnet: 3
- johnlcaron/electionguard-webapps: 3
Active Maintainer
Issue Author Associations
- Owner (37, 38.14%)
- None (23, 23.71%)
- Collaborator (23, 23.71%)
- Contributor (14, 14.43%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Owner (626, 99.21%)
- Contributor (5, 0.79%)
Top Issue Labels
- enhancement (28)
- component-runtime (13)
- question (10)
- help wanted (10)
- platform-native (9)
- bug (8)
- triage (6)
- good first issue (5)
- platform-jvm (4)
- documentation (2)
- Type - Bug (2)
- Priority - 2. Medium ⏹ (2)
- iosp: hdf5 (1)
- wontfix (1)