An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.
GitHub / JeetKunDoug issue stats
Total issues: 3
Total pull requests: 87
Merged pull request: 53
Average time to close issues: 3 months
Average time to close pull requests: about 1 month
Average comments per issue: 3.67
Average comments per pull request: 1.47
Issues created
Pull requests created
- basho/riak_ensemble: 14
- apache/cassandra: 13
- apache/cassandra-sidecar: 10
- apache/cassandra-analytics: 7
- apache/cassandra-in-jvm-dtest-api: 5
- basho/basho_bench: 4
- basho/bitcask: 4
- st23am/exkafka: 3
- d0rc/exrabbit: 3
- basho/riak_jmx: 3
- basho/sidejob: 3
- basho/clique: 2
- basho/riak_snmp: 2
- basho/riak_sysmon: 2
- basho/riaknostic: 2
- basho/riak-erlang-http-client: 2
- cincinnatirb/cincyrb: 2
- basho/lager_syslog: 1
- GetEmerson/emerson-rb: 1
- timbuchwaldt/elixir-redis: 1
- camgunz/cmp: 1
- basho/mochiweb: 1
- apache/cassandra-diff: 1
Active Maintainer
Issue Author Associations
- None (2, 66.67%)
- Contributor (1, 33.33%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Contributor (77, 88.51%)
- None (10, 11.49%)