An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.
GitHub / Healthedata1 issue stats
Total issues: 294
Total pull requests: 54
Merged pull request: 40
Average time to close issues: 3 months
Average time to close pull requests: 8 days
Average comments per issue: 1.88
Average comments per pull request: 0.28
Issues created
- argonautproject/implementation-program: 65
- argonautproject/scheduling: 55
- argonautproject/data-query: 50
- argonautproject/questionnaire: 43
- hl7/us-core-stu3: 26
- hl7/fhir-onc-meds: 18
- nazrulworld/fhir.resources: 10
- argonautproject/provider-directory: 8
- hl7/daf-research: 4
- HL7/fhir-ig-publisher: 3
- healthedata1/oo-on-fhir-micro-profile: 3
- qligier/fhir-ig-action: 2
- smart-on-fhir/client-py: 2
- healthedata1/ig-template2: 1
- argonautproject/patient-lists: 1
- Jungyubw/newTCAMT: 1
- argonautproject/clinicalnotes: 1
- brettmarquard/hl7-c-cda-task-force-examples: 1
Pull requests created
- hl7/smart-web-messaging: 16
- healthedata1/ig-template4: 8
- HL7/fhir: 7
- argonautproject/clinicalnotes: 4
- argonautproject/subscriptions: 4
- healthedata1/mfhir: 3
- fhir/sample-ig: 2
- smart-on-fhir/fhir-parser: 2
- fhir/ig-guidance: 2
- fhir/ig-registry: 2
- healthedata1/healthedata1-sandbox: 1
- argonautproject/subscription-backport-ig: 1
- healthedata1/ig-template3: 1
- fhir/hl7-ig-template: 1
- argonautproject/data-query: 50
- hl7/us-core-stu3: 26
- hl7/fhir-onc-meds: 18
- argonautproject/provider-directory: 8
- healthedata1/ig-template4: 8
- hl7/daf-research: 4
- healthedata1/mfhir: 3
- healthedata1/oo-on-fhir-micro-profile: 3
- healthedata1/healthedata1-sandbox: 1
- healthedata1/ig-template3: 1
- healthedata1/ig-template2: 1
- Jungyubw/newTCAMT: 1
Active Maintainer
Issue Author Associations
- Collaborator (107, 36.39%)
- Contributor (100, 34.01%)
- None (83, 28.23%)
- Owner (4, 1.36%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Contributor (36, 66.67%)
- Owner (13, 24.07%)
- None (5, 9.26%)
Top Issue Labels
- Operation$find (21)
- question (16)
- Connectathon (11)
- data.vitals (10)
- renderer (8)
- Adaptive Q (7)
- access to medications (7)
- data.lab (7)
- enhancement (6)
- operation$hold (5)
- data.allergies (4)
- data.problems (4)
- Cancel/Update/Amend (4)
- operation$book (3)
- Patient Registation (3)