An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.
GitHub / HarishGangula issue stats
Total issues: 3
Total pull requests: 180
Merged pull request: 164
Average time to close issues: 5 days
Average time to close pull requests: 9 days
Average comments per issue: 7.0
Average comments per pull request: 0.49
Issues created
Pull requests created
- Sunbird-Knowlg/sunbird-video-player: 36
- Sunbird-Knowlg/sunbird-pdf-player: 22
- Sunbird-Knowlg/sunbird-epub-player: 18
- sunbird-knowlg/sunbird-collection-editor: 17
- sunbird-knowlg/knowledge-mw-service: 13
- project-sunbird/sunbird-ext-framework: 13
- sunbird-knowlg/knowlg-portal: 12
- sunbird-ed/sb-cordova-plugin-utility: 10
- project-sunbird/sunbird-telemetry-sdk: 8
- sunbird-knowlg/sunbird-file-upload-library: 7
- sunbird-ed/sunbird-desktop-app: 6
- sunbird-ed/openrap-sunbirded-plugin: 4
- sunbird-knowlg/sunbird-content-player: 4
- sunbird-ed/sb-cordova-plugin-fcm: 3
- sunbird-ed/sb-cordova-plugin-downloadmanager: 2
- sunbird-inquiry/sunbird-resource-library: 2
- sunbird-knowlg/sunbird-generic-editor: 2
- Sunbird-Ed/SunbirdEd-consumption-ngcomponents: 1
- Sunbird-Knowlg/sunbird-video-player: 36
- Sunbird-Knowlg/sunbird-pdf-player: 22
- Sunbird-Knowlg/sunbird-epub-player: 18
- sunbird-knowlg/sunbird-collection-editor: 17
- project-sunbird/sunbird-ext-framework: 13
- sunbird-knowlg/knowlg-portal: 12
- project-sunbird/sunbird-telemetry-sdk: 8
- sunbird-knowlg/sunbird-file-upload-library: 7
- sunbird-knowlg/sunbird-content-player: 4
- sunbird-knowlg/sunbird-framework-management-ui-tool: 1
Issue Author Associations
- None (2, 66.67%)
- Collaborator (1, 33.33%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Collaborator (137, 76.11%)
- Contributor (31, 17.22%)
- None (12, 6.67%)
Top Issue Labels
- 5.x (2)