An open API service for providing issue and pull request metadata for open source projects.
GitHub / Angatupyry issue stats
Total issues: 83
Total pull requests: 48
Merged pull request: 44
Average time to close issues: 8 days
Average time to close pull requests: 1 day
Average comments per issue: 0.61
Average comments per pull request: 0.13
Issues created
Pull requests created
- angatupyry/profront: 23
- angatupyry/restaurappnte: 5
- angatupyry/fsd4: 3
- angatupyry/fsdb6-react: 2
- angatupyry/fsd3: 2
- angatupyry/pruebadejavascript: 2
- open-rmf/rmf-web: 2
- angatupyry/backend-senpai: 2
- open-rmf/rmf_api_msgs: 2
- angatupyry/workshop-githubdwf08-24: 2
- angatupyry/node-fsdft: 1
- angatupyry/todo-list-react: 1
- angatupyry/node-fsdb6: 1
- angatupyry/backendis2: 52
- angatupyry/profront: 23
- angatupyry/restaurappnte: 13
- angatupyry/is2: 11
- angatupyry/pruebadejavascript: 5
- angatupyry/fsd4: 5
- angatupyry/fsd3: 4
- angatupyry/backend-senpai: 3
- angatupyry/todo-list-react: 2
- angatupyry/fsdb6-react: 2
- open-rmf/rmf-web: 2
- angatupyry/workshop-githubdwf08-24: 2
- angatupyry/proyectointegrador: 2
- angatupyry/node-fsdft: 1
- angatupyry/node-fsdb6: 1
Active Maintainer
Issue Author Associations
- Owner (82, 98.80%)
- None (1, 1.20%)
Pull Request Author Associations
- Owner (44, 91.67%)
- Contributor (2, 4.17%)
- Collaborator (2, 4.17%)
Top Issue Labels
- enhancement (7)
- bug (6)